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Contact Us

Order Enquiries & General Information

For general enquiries - before calling or emailing us, why not try searching our HELP CENTRE to assist in finding the answer. 

If you'd still like help, we recommend you complete our Contact Form or if you prefer to speak to one of our UK based Customer Service Advisors, please contact the team on 01782 210565  

Calling from the USA? Contact the team on 1-866-648-2184

Customer Services Opening hours

  • Monday - Friday - 9.00am to 6.00pm
  • Saturday - 9:00am to 3:00pm
  • Sunday - CLOSED

Our address is:
Emma Bridgewater 
Customer Services Department
Berry Hill Trading Estate
Berry Hill Road

Visiting Our Factory

Take a look at our Factory Experiences if you would like to visit our factory, book a factory tour or a session in our decorating studio. To speak to a member of our factory team, please contact the team on 01782 201328 or by emailing

Wholesale Enquiries
To contact us about stocking Emma Bridgewater products or if you are an existing stockist please email

Charity Requests
If you have a charity request please visit the Charity Donations page on our Help Centre
Marketing Enquiries

If you have a marketing enquiry please email a member of our marketing team on


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